You may have heard of the term Integration in relation to a healing session. This is the period of time in which your being needs to absorb the effects of the healing and integrate any patterns of behaviour or beliefs that are in a state of transformation so your life is more fluid and in greater balance. This period of integration that I speak of is also relative to any time where your being goes through a period of transformation, not just a healing session.
To integrate effectively requires you to be conscious and discerning about your energy output and input. That is, what you spend your time and energy on (your energy output) and what supportive people, diet and tools you engage with to nurture you (to receive energy).
When we don’t integrate effectively, we can end up creating greater imbalance in our beings. Depending on the depth of transformation you are going through, your mind, especially, can experience varying levels of disharmony as it attempts to adjust to a new way of perceiving or thinking out matters. Prolonged imbalance of the mind can ultimately affect the state of your mental health as well as that of your holistic health.
So what are some of the tools and keys that can get assist you to Integrate?
Drink Lots of Water. your physical being is mostly comprised of water. During a healing session or any time of transformation in your life, you will find a greater level of electricity going through your being. Water enables the systems of the body to maintain their balance. If your being is not properly hydrated, your physical, mental and emotional parts cannot properly transform. Where possible, drinking water that is free of chemicals or drinking alkaline water will make that process of hydration much more effective.
Maintaining Body Hydration. It is not just water that keeps your body hydrated. foods and beverage that are highly processed, have lots of sugar or contain caffeine all effect your body’s ability to sustain levels of hydration. Choosing simple foods and beverages and having sensible eating patterns will all assist.
Increase the Vegie Activity. Eating larger quantities of greens is great for our nervous system to be supported.
Create Space for Your Mind. while integrating, your mind may be releasing old memories. It is important that you allow your mind to just let these old memories go and not engage in them, analyse or create opinions or judgments around those memories or past events. Also meditating gently assists the mind to receive some space from the world for a short time. You can also engage in meditations and prayers that regularly clear your energy field of any disharmonic energies.
Create Space for Quality Sleeping. Your body, especially the mind, does a lot of internal processing and rebalancing while you sleep. ‘Creating space’ asks you to incorporate diet and activities that don’t overstimulate your mind or body prior to going to bed.
Spending Time in Nature. Having your body undertake activity where it is physically connected to the earth is a fantastic tool for integration. This can include, taking a walk, having a swim in the sea or a natural water environment, doing some gardening, gathering a group of people together for a cuppa on the lawn or in the park. If nature is not so accessible for you, get yourself large pot of soil or sand and simply put your feet in it – it does wonders 🙂
Exercise. Choose exercise that connects you more intimately to your body.
Supportive People, Home and Work Environments. Choose people to be around you that enables you to receive and share support, laughter and love. Choose people also with whom you can communicate about your life with open-hearted honesty.
Your home and work environments need to also support you. Physically cleaning these spaces regularly assists to keep the energy clear of any disharmonic energies. Doing regular energy clearing as well as using energy clearing tools is also a big help.
Regularly Clear Your Energy Field. Take some time to clear your energy field. There are a number of ways you can do this depending on the time and resources available to you: meditating upon your energy field, intending and seeing with your mind’s eye your field filling with white, gold, violet flame or a coloured light of your choice; meditating on forgiveness and/or love and having its energy move through your entire field; laying on the earth; taking a swim in the ocean; having a coffee bath or taking an energy clearing essence.
Those are just some of the key tools that come to mind.
We are constantly transforming and evolving. Because of this, the process of integration, being more consciously aware of your energy input and output and making choices that supports you around this, if it is not already, will become the way of your life.
If you have any questions about some of the tools and keys mentioned in this journal, just drop a question into the comments section below. To get clarity on the best tools for your ‘personal integration’, why not book in for a Powerchat session.
Have a great week. Love and Blessings, Lee