The Soul and Spirit are the essential energies of your being. Your Soul, an evolving vehicle of consciousness, is the feeling centre of your being, that part of you that is deeply tied to the stream of love. It is receptive, feminine in nature and watery, emotional. It is able to hold emotion and the memories of experiences as part of its energy structure.
The Soul’s energy process is that of an inward motion. Drawing in energy for the purpose of evolving in nature and playing the part of assisting other parts of being, your Spirit for example, to ground into your being during your incarnations.
The Soul has a Will that is based on its point on the evolutionary path. It’s Will, ‘wants’, are not always aligned to the divine plan because of the wounded experiences for which it holds memories. The feelings of these experiences trigger a fear response in your being and creates you to choose alternate paths.
When we choose to consciously hand over your will to the Divine Plan you are asking our Soul and Spirit ’s will to be relinquished and aligned to Universal Will or the Divine Plan. Its does not mean what you want cannot be, it is just you hand over any attachment to the outcome being a particular way.
The Spirit is the vehicle by which source energy moves through an radiates from your being. It is the light. It’s motion is outward, expressive, dynamic, radiating, masculine in nature and fire-like. The Spirit is able to hold the truth and is connected to a much bigger energy presence known as your Holy Spirit . While it is able to feel it is not emotional. It is your Spirit that creates the beliefs you hold.
For both the Soul and Spirit, their ‘wants’ are brought to your awareness through your mind. When you find yourself triggered by an experience, it is one of either the Soul or Spirit that will download fear energy into your mind, your consciousness. The Soul’s fear will relate to an emotion. The Spirit’s fear will relate to a belief eg. I can’t do that.
When reading the records, the Akasha of a Soul, we also read the impact such experiences that the Soul has had on other parts of your being. For example, let’s say the Soul has a deeply unsettling experience and resolves to never trust the masculine because it feels betrayed by the actions of the masculine in that experience or over a series of experiences.
It is your Soul who retains the memories of the wounded experience, creates contracts, vows or agreements to have your path limited in a particular way so the wound is does not re-occur. And also to shield your being from those feelings of betrayal it experienced.
Base on the contracts, vows or agreements made by the Soul, the Spirit identifies these and creates limiting beliefs and thought forms that support the Soul’s experiences. And while you may resolve the Soul’s experiences if you don’t also resolve the beliefs created around such experiences, actions to do things or move forward may be inhibited. Your Spirit always aligns to the beliefs it creates.
So the more you are aware of any limiting beliefs you hold and consciously choose to
1. release them, and
2. alter your behaviour which has been previously aligned to them;
the more your Spirit will be able to be more at one with and your Soul.
See also our next post about the Will or wants of our Soul and Spirt and how these are expressed through our being.